As technology continues to rapidly advance, businesses have been quick to follow the trend by adopting new innovations that save time and increase efficiency. It is becoming the standard to conduct at least some portion of the hiring process, if not entirely, in a virtual setting.
Due to the current state of affairs in the US being dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative that organizations like Bassett Mechanical integrate a virtual interviewing platform to continue to source qualified candidates for their growing business in a safe but effective manner.
A video interview often follows the style of a traditional in-person interview, although there are some major differences that are paramount in ensuring your meeting is a success. If you are looking to ace your virtual interview with Bassett Mechanical, here are a few tips to get you started.
Technical skills are considered a top competency by employers and is a major factor in narrowing down their qualified candidate pool. Virtual interviews allow a hiring manager to gauge your skills by identifying technical glitches that could’ve been avoided with proper preparation and general technical savviness. Look like a pro by testing your equipment prior to connecting. Nothing is worse than trying to troubleshoot technical issues on the fly.
Virtual interviews come with a myriad of distractions you wouldn’t normally encounter when you conduct a traditional interview in an office environment. Be sure that you have secured a quiet space with minimal background noise so that you can focus on the interview. While it is nearly impossible to plan for every distraction, be proactive to ensure the virtual interview goes smoothly.
Is it just me or are long silences more awkward virtually than in person? There is no way to know exactly what a hiring manager will ask you, but there are some common interview questions you can be prepared to answer. Preparation is key to ensure that you are not having time lapses between questions or answering out of panic rather than careful thought.
Why are you leaving your current position?
This is the time to focus on your path not what your current employer is doing wrong. Be sure to focus on your future goals, the benefits of joining a new organization, and of course relating your current skill set to the position you’ve applied for.
What are your salary requirements?
This can be a tense exchange, especially if you haven’t done your research. Many internet resource sites like Glassdoor, Payscale, or can assist you in finding the average salary for the position you are applying for. Have a solid number in your head so that you are confident with your answer and are prepared to negotiate if necessary.
Why would you be a good fit for the position?
This should be an easy question, but it can be hard to list accolades without preparation. Be sure to highlight your accomplishments, focus on tangible skills first, followed by personality traits that could be a good fit for the organization. Role-playing with a peer or colleague can refine your verbal delivery. Trust me, the hiring manager will recognize your superior communication skills.
Our Bassett Mechanical Family continues to grow! Check out our careers page for more information on available opportunities!